Yuki Sakuma(佐久間 雪, Sakuma Yuki) is one of the members of Akira's Group and is the class president of 3rd Year, Class 4. She's a rather smart girl and is the only female survivor that was part of Kouhei's Group besides Kouhei Arita himself.
Yuki followed Kouhei's Group in the beginning after the incident. Her group led her into the Limestone Cavern. Kouhei started to kill her fellow members. Luckly she escaped and ran into Akira's Group. Since then she joined Akira's Group and traveled throughout The Island.
At the beginning she was affected toward Kouhei and followed him blindly. After Akira Sengoku saved her from the murderer, her heart points toward Akira. Even though she used to give Akira a hard time at school, she still wants him. However Rion Akagami is right now on Akira's heart and so are many other girls in the group.
Her current location: Yuki is apart of Akira's Death Tower Party who is investigating the last building on The Island. She owns it to Kouhei to save everyone.